Your Trusted Payroll Company

Save Time And Money With Payroll Outsourcing

Using payroll services for small business in the UK has gained considerable traction over the last ten years. This is because in 2013, HMRC introduced RTI – Real Time Information – which means that employers have to make tax deductions and submit reports every time an employee is paid rather than just at the year end.

What this means for a small business, or for that matter, any business, is that payroll has become a serious hassle. Let’s face it, doing your payroll costs you money. If you own the business and you have to stop and do the payroll, that is taking you away from the important things that you need to do to grow the business.

Not only that, but if you fail to make returns on time, or you make mistakes, then you can be on the receiving end of fines as well. As the employer, it is your responsibility to get it done and get it right. How you do that is up to you. HMRC is only concerned with receiving the information and tax deductions on time and in proper order.

It Becomes More Of A Headache As Your Business Grows

As a business grows, it can become more and more of a headache for the owner. You take on more employees and your payroll becomes bigger and takes longer and longer.

Of course, you may choose to do what a lot of businesses do and that is to put one of your employees in charge of payroll rather than doing it yourself. That frees you up personally, but you then have to train that employee in handling the payroll. It also takes the said employee away from whatever other tasks he or she has to do for however long it takes to deal with the payroll.

What all this means is that the best payroll solutions in the UK are those such as we provide at PayCheck. You can outsource part or all of your payroll to us. The advantages are many. Our payroll solutions in the UK will save you time. They will also save you money because you won’t have to invest in expensive software to run the payroll or training courses for a staff member to undertake the work.

Our payroll services for small business in the UK start at just £35 per month. For that, you get rid of all the hassle once and for all.


This article was written by
The Pay Check Team
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