Tips for Smooth Payroll Management

Running a profitable and thriving business coincides with ensuring that all your employees are taken care of. For a business to be successful it is vital that your payroll management and processes are operating smoothly. Any disruption to payroll processes can directly affect employee morale and can result in trust issues and non-compliance with payroll legislation.

This article covers the following topics:

1. Maintaining accurate employee records.

2. Regularly reviewing your payroll processes.

3. Maintaining compliance with payroll regulations.

4. Organising payroll training sessions for HR staff.

5. Outsource your payroll.


Maintain accurate employee records.

Keeping accurate and up-to-date personal data for employees while working for you regardless of how many you employ is paramount. Your payroll team must keep track of employees' records no matter how cumbersome it gets because it is one of their most essential duties.

It is imperative that you ensure that your employees' personal information is accurate and updated frequently while they are employed by you. Your payroll management can be adversely affected if an employee's information is outdated and/or inaccurate. To avoid mix-ups, it is essential to process and reconcile these changes as soon as they happen and document them appropriately to prevent any future errors. By outsourcing your payroll, you can minimise human error while reducing the administrative burden incurred by updating employee records on a regular basis. You can have comfort in knowing that your payroll is ran efficiently with options for payroll automation with BACS services, exclusive access to partners with various benefit packages, and Pension Auto Enrolment with several pension providers to help you find which scheme works well for you and your employees.

Regularly review your payroll processes.

When you continually review your business' payroll processes, it helps you to ensure payroll is not only productive and running smoothly but remaining compliant.

Most long-standing businesses are still using traditional methods of processing payroll. If it isn't broken, don't fix it, right? Changing your payroll management can seem like a daunting task. However, with the right guidance from a payroll service provider you could be saving yourself and your business more time and money by implementing new payroll processing procedures.

Maintain compliance with payroll regulations.

Your payroll management oversees numerous payroll arrangements within the department. The job may seem cut-and-dry, but your payroll department oversees calculating pension auto enrolment, tax, and National Insurance deductions in compliance with the law. Your payroll team must ensure that your business stays up-to-date and complies with UK's payroll legislation, such as the National Living Wage and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), among others. They must also make sure that all statutory payments are paid on time and accurately. Additionally, they must provide advice and assistance with payroll-related enquiries.

To maintain compliance, you must ensure that your payroll is completed correctly, and that all payroll legislation is followed. If you fail to comply with these requirements, you may incur penalties. So, irrespective of whether you have 1 or 1000 employees in the UK, you must remain compliant to avoid any complications, most notably when it comes to paying HMRC taxes.

Organise payroll training sessions for HR staff.

SMEs are unlikely to have a payroll and HR department. If this is the case with your business, there are various training courses available for you to invest in and organise payroll training sessions for your HR staff.

Payroll training courses for your HR staff is beneficial for your business. It will give your staff a deeper understanding of payroll legislation, policies, and improve internal communications regarding payslips. Additionally, payroll training sessions will also help improve working relationships, boost employee morale, and improve your business' payroll management process.

Outsource your payroll.

In-house payroll processing can be overwhelming, choosing to outsource your payroll can alleviate the time and money necessary for heavy investments, and resources for sophisticated IT infrastructures. When you outsource your payroll, you're not only becoming more economical, but entering a partnership that will provide your company with long-term added value.

This is why many businesses opt for payroll outsourcing to accurately deliver employee pay slips and help to maintain high employee retention.

Outsourcing your payroll enables you to ensure your employees are paid accurately and on-time, and often works out significantly cheaper than hiring a full-time employee, reducing risk, cost, and time. Outsourcing payroll is a great option for businesses of all sizes, by outsourcing you're able to have access to payroll experts with years of experience who can provide you with time and money saving solutions.

Payroll comprises various tasks that can easily fall by the wayside. Having an established and streamlined payroll process is never as challenging as many business owners think. Ensuring smooth payroll management will improve employee satisfaction, increase productivity, and prepare your business for future challenges.

However, it is important to acknowledge that payroll processes can become a headache if improperly managed. To avoid this, it can help to give your payroll management responsibilities to outsourced payroll providers like Pay Check. Get in touch today to get a quote for a cost-effective partnership to help you add value to your business.


Written by
Isabella Zermani
Pay Check
+44 (0) 20 7866 4600