Your Trusted Payroll Company

SMEs Have Enough To Do Without Handling Complicated Payroll

Very many small businesses today are looking to save time and money by outsourcing their payrolls. As a business grows, the payroll gets more and more complicated. They may have a sales team that gets commissions, so each pay cheque will be different every month. They may have employees who do overtime, so the same applies. One employee may get certain benefits while another on the same wage and doing the same job doesn’t, and so the wages will be different.

The bigger a business gets, the more complicated the payroll, and this is why many SMEs want to have their accountants undertake their payroll for them. But payroll can become complicated for accountants too, so this is why, at PayCheck, we provide online payroll services for accountants.

When you use our online payroll services for accountants, it means that you gain several benefits. First, your clients’ get rid of the job, which is something that just takes up time and doesn’t earn them a single penny. So, you become a one-stop shop for your clients, providing a full service to cover all their needs.

A Steady Stream Of Income

Offering your clients payroll services means that you will then have a steady stream of income every month, without actually having to do any of the work. It can also help you gain new clients because you will be able to offer them everything that they look for in an accountant. Furthermore, all your clients’ payroll data will be instantly available at the year end, and for audit purposes as well.

When you offer your clients payroll services it will give you a better understanding of their businesses and may also enable you to offer them additional services. Your clients will be happy, because they will get rid of a time consuming and tedious job that does nothing but cost them money, and will free them up to do important things – like expanding their businesses.

If you run another sort of business, then you can outsource your employees’ payroll direct to us if you wish. You will find that when you outsource your employees’ payroll to us that it will save you a considerable amount of time, and not only that, but it will actually cost you less to run the payroll, when you factor in the amount of time that you currently spend on it.

You will also have peace of mind that your returns to HMRC will be accurate.


This article was written by
The Pay Check Team
+44 (0) 20 7866 4600